Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Man

This post was written by Brett, the guy who owned this blog before me. I tried to save the stuff of his that I found the most spiritually uplifting. This piece is a powerful reminder to worship the avatars of Cock wherever we find them. It's also a reminder that true Cock worship begins in the gym. We aren't giving ourselves to Cock fully if we aren't preparing our bodies for worship.

Brett used the first photo with his original post. The second is an Avatar whom I'd like to worship soon.

*  *  *

He grew up learning what we all learn,
he learned to say that God is far away, that heaven is in the clouds,
he grew and believed the words he learned, and repeated.

And the day arrived when testosterone began to surge through his veins
and pubic hair began to grow and that strange and wonderful mystery
between his legs began to have a mind of its own.

He learned what we all learn,
he learned to say that God is far away, that heaven is in the clouds,
and that his body is unholy, his thoughts dirty, to touch his Cock, a sin.
But he did touch it, he had to. The call was too intense, too insistent.
And the day arrived when he took that awesome presence alive between his legs
and stroked its strength, and stroked its beauty, and stroked it
until his mind was lost in pure pleasure and wonder and awe.
The wonder of life sprayed forth and he was a man.

But he was a man twisted by the world around him,
twisted to think that what he had discovered was a sin,
twisted to think that presence growing,
each day growing,
between his legs was dirty and the source of his evil.

But the call was too intense, too insistent.
The living presence between his legs sent surging waves of testosterone
through his veins until his body ached and he could not ignore it.
He worked his body endlessly, demanding more and more from it
even as the presence between his legs blessed it with more strength,
greater ability.
He worked muscle against iron,
muscle against muscle,
heeding the ancient call that roared from between his legs each day.
Listening to that call, driving his body harder,
taking that presence into his hands, once, twice a day,
to be lost in the song of pleasure,
seeing his biceps bulge as he stroked the wonder his hand held.

Then the eyes of the world began to be cast upon him,
then the call from between his legs began to be heard by others
and he responded powerfully, like a champion,
like a warrior, like a god.

To the woman who came to him,
and to the brave man,
he would reveal his glory and receive their devotion as they knelt before him,
he would receive their adoration as he thrust that strong, powerful presence
within them,
mouth, pussy, ass.
And they would respond, joyfully, incredibly, with screams and howls
their bodies responding, shivering, powerful,
lost in the song of pleasure only he,
and that gift between his legs, could bring.

Each orgasm his Cock brought them,
each orgasm it brought him,
each kiss his Cock received,
each of his muscles caressed,
each longing gaze he received,
each instant of raw lust he inspired,
each word of wonder and adoration spoken,
each body that received his massive spray of life,
tore away a lie he had learned
until muscle, flesh, sweat, cum
and the many, many bodies who received him
tore away all the lies. All of them. Every one of them.

All the remains after this inferno is the truth,
the truth he knows now utterly,
the most true truth he can imagine.

He knows his Cock is God, and it will be worshipped always,
and by many.
He knows he is worthy of adoration, devotion, worship and love,
for Cock has made him all he is,
and all he is, and all he does,
is for his Cock.

You look at him and know the truth,
our society has failed,
no one can behold this temple
and God with him, and think of sin again.

He makes us all grow up.

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